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Název: OvermindRevenge | Oblast: Všechny oblasti | Hodnocení autora: 0 z 10 | Obtížnost: 8 z 10 |
Popis: Full mission pack with some hard missions,and unit-themed missions..feedback greatly appreciated. (sorry,i can only write in English,hope not a problem?) |
Hodnocení hráčů: 5.5 | 14 příspěvků v diskusi | |
Hodnotilo: 74 |
Autor: alienwithagun | Datum vložení: 2017-03-21 | Počet stažení: 2645 | Stáhnout |
DISKUSE - sem pište své názory, poznámky, dotazy a podobné příspěvky k misiOd: raducu | i highly recommend. This is a good one! | Kdy: 2017-04-09 07:54:14 |
Od: Gulo | Skvělý mapy
22. jsem dal jen s 1 minutou navíc :D a u 21. pochybuju že se dá dohrát :D
nemá to chybu, mapy jsou originální a člověk se u nich dost zapotí 10/10 | Kdy: 2017-06-21 19:39:37 |
Od: alienwithagun | @raducu Thanks,the next missionpack will be even harder lol!!
@Gulo All missions in this missionpack where play-tested for completion,
M21 is difficult agreed,but can be completed with 5 minutes left on the clock if done right..
@All players..it seems that most players do not really like the convoy missions,i`m working on a new very high difficulty missionpack,are there any players that would like convoy missions in it or should i not bother? | Kdy: 2017-06-22 17:25:11 |
Od: Krtex | Heyy, hardcore mission map indeed, playing now one map in a day. Guide for mission 5 with those ton of mechs? No idea what to do.
This is my 2nd mission pack downloaded, very good job. | Kdy: 2017-07-31 21:53:14 |
Od: JP | Jednoduše skvělé. Originální mise, velmi dobře nastavená obtížnost. Spolu s balíčky od Gza to nejlepší, co se zde objevilo. Lepší než původní mapy ze hry. Všechny mise se dají dohrát, Irán mi zbývalo 10 minut...
Simply perfect. Original missions, well balanced difficulty. With missions from Gza the best mission pack here. Even better than original SoW missions. All missions can be completed (10 minutes left in Iran). | Kdy: 2018-01-31 23:08:17 |
Od: johnv | It has a learning curve. You got to find your advantage in every level which can be the range of your weapons compared to the enemy for example. It took me a while to figure out what was my advantage in canada. Lot of fun with it. Did 6 levels now. | Kdy: 2018-02-01 19:18:46 |
Od: Alky_UniQe | Hi alienwithagun,
after my longtime comeback when I easily won every maps in the game I have just tried your package. I didn´t have much time to play more anyway I tried first for missions of which I succesfully made only half. I consider myself a very experience SoW player but your missions make me think much more about new stuff I dont know and how to be more succesful.
Thanks for making this game alive again :D | Kdy: 2018-04-03 10:08:11 |
Od: Ludva | Za mě 10/10. Naprostý souhlas s JP. chybí mi dohrát jen Írán, snad vymyslím jak na to. Líbí se mi,jak, pokud teda mluvím za sebe, člověk využívá prakticky každé mechaniky hry. Smekám. | Kdy: 2018-05-09 22:42:23 |
Od: Ludva | Tak hotovo, Írán s 15 min rezervou :)
Great missionpack, the best i have found so far. Awesowe work! | Kdy: 2018-05-11 19:23:37 |
Od: Simba | Great mission pack, some interesting ideas. Overall pretty hard. Crucify the author for the missions with rogons that needs to be detonated by fighters. ;) | Kdy: 2018-06-24 12:48:02 |
Od: momo | 10/10. Tento balik si zasluzi oficialne vydanie s podtitulom Extreme :D presiel som vsetky mapy. Obtiaznost map nema postupnost. Uz prve misie su tazke a potom narazite na misiu, ktoru prejdete so zavretymi ocami. | Kdy: 2021-01-13 23:46:53 |
Od: jhadari | Výborné mapy, některé trochu hůř optimalizované a jen se po obsazení klíčových prvku čeká, než modrej dobyje zelenýho. Jediné co jsem nedal bylo Rusko 2. Ani mě to nebavilo tam něco vymýšlet. Kanadu 2 jsem po pátém pokusu taky skoro vzdal a až druhej den se mi to povedlo napoprvé. Írán hotovo na druhý pokus se 7min rezervou. | Kdy: 2022-12-11 19:16:06 |
Od: Gulo | Once again, after 6 years I tried this package. The missions are quite hard, but I managed to finish all of them (the last one with 13 minutes left). Well not all of them actually, I still think the 21 is impossible to win. I have no idea how to defend against the nuclear bombs. It makes sense to strike it down with fighters, but thats instanelly hard to pull off.
Is there anybody willing to share how to beat it? Especially the first 5 minutes, step by step. :D | Kdy: 2023-07-01 23:59:38 |
Od: BoleslavIVLev | I have just beaten the last few maps this week, so I can vouch that they all can be beaten. In Russia, I fought over both power plants to keep enemy saucers (forgot the name in English) busy - they are dumb and often dozens of them will flow over one building. Mine tried to repair the energy plants whenever enemies were not in sight. Same for repairing the artillery factory and the turrets above it. In South Africa, I kept sending fighters against enemy heavy factory. Actually, I did this in many maps in this package. Eventually I had A LOT of heavy units and enemy had none - then you can hold and even push the nukes. In Iran I destroyed about 2 nukes with fighters in area between your base and the nuke factory where enemy has turrets (and factory for flamethrowers only) - then I pushed to take over the nukes, then it was easy-ish. My least favourite map was probably Sudan. | Kdy: 2023-07-19 16:35:59 |
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